Because there are more than one type of video laryngoscope, it is widely used in medical instruments for larynx disease examination and treatment and emergency airway intubation. It uses an endoscopic camera system to provide more accurate information for doctors. , Through the video to master the larynx, so as to have more help in the treatment plan, so it is very important to grasp.
When we purchase a video laryngoscope, we should choose the model in accordance with the requirements of use. Some are disposable rubber blades, and there are reusable metal blades. Of course, when selecting equipment, it is still better to grasp, so that it can have a good performance in reliability, and can better meet customer requirements.
When performing endotracheal intubation and laryngoscopy, the use of a suitable type of medical device may be beneficial in terms of convenient treatment. Of course, different types of adjuvant therapy should be selected, and its performance should be paid attention to. Not all patients are suitable, and the convenience of different types will vary.
The video laryngoscope made of plastic blades can be used immediately and thrown away, and the metal blades need to be properly disinfected, cleaned and preserved. Of course, the cost of the two will also be different. Make good use and seek the key to better quality, so it is important to choose better.